

Welcome to our partnership page. From here, you will be able to find more information about many products mentioned on this website, as well as links to magazines, books and journals which I think will be helpful to you.

If you would like us to partner with your website, please use the Contact Page to send us a request.

Koi Magazine: The UK’s No.1 magazine for all the latest koi news, views and practical advice. Chock-full of information on Koi carp, expert pond advice, exclusive Koi competitions and practical advice.

Koi Carp Magazine: The UK’s longest-running magazine for koi hobbyists.

The Fish Channel: The website for fish lovers.

Crystal Clear: Water quality advice & products to solve your worst pond problems – Every product you need to clear your pond, feed your fish, fix your pH and keep your plants vibrant and healthy.

Kelly Billing:  Kelly contributed an excellent chapter for the ‘Water Gardeners Bible’ on pond plants. She is a true aquatic plant expert, owns her own aquatic nurseries in Maryland USA and has written a book on Lilys.

Nishikoi: The UK’s favourite pond foods.

Garden Pond Advice:  Helpful advice on which type of pond may be best for you and how to go about creating your dream Garden Pond.

AquaHydrotech: Natural solutions for algae, blanket weed and duck weed.

United Aquatics: Wholesale pond and koi supplies at fantastic prices.

Build a Water Garden: A comprehensive resource for likeminded pond keepers.

Fish Link Central: Resources for indoor and outdoor aquarists.

Garden Links: Resources for green fingered gardeners.

Kill blanketweed and string algae.