It is the role of the aquarium filter to maintain a stable and safe water quality within an aquarium.
If the water quality is ideal then the fish will thrive and be less likely to develop health problems. An aquarium filter is effective removing solids and . . . → Read More: Do I need an aquarium filter?
Oxygen, why is it important in the garden pond?
Most fish keeper’s are well aware that the pond or aquarium water should be routinely tested for the presence of pollutants such as ammonia and nitrite but very often the oxygen content is overlooked. Oxygen is . . . → Read More: Garden pond dissolved oxygen
Pond problem solver – gasping fish
All pond fish breathe by pumping water over their gills to extract oxygen, which is dissolved in the pond water. Fortunately, compared to other fish species, the carp family do not require an especially high level of dissolved oxygen . . . → Read More: Gasping pond fish
Growing aquarium plants offers many challenges and benefits to the aquarist and fish.
By following a few guidelines, what used to be a matter for the ‘professional’ aquarist is now within reach of every fishkeeper.A successful planted aquarium requires a slightly different approach from traditional fishkeeping. In . . . → Read More: Growing aquarium plants
Quite a common problem experienced by fish keeper is losing fish after they have recently been
introduced to the aquarium. There are 2 likely causes: 1. If the aquarium is a new set-up, then fish are lost through a phenomenon known as ‘New Tank Syndrome’
Keeping fish is not like keeping any other pet, such as a cat, dog, rabbit or guinea pig
as they are unable to escape from their pond. If four-legged pets take a disliking to their surroundings or become stressed in their environment in which their owner . . . → Read More: Testing water. How and why? Kill blanketweed and string algae. |
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