
Pond in Autumn

What to do when things cool down. How do you prepare your pond and fish for winter?

Autumn koi pond maintenance

As autumn approaches, our pond enters its last scene her before the final curtain of winter approaches. Even at this late stage, the story could still have two endings, either as a tragedy or with the ponds players living on happily ever after.

Everything in . . . → Read More: Autumn koi pond maintenance

Pond care from August to Autumn just before Winter

As August turns into September, our pond enters its last scene her before the final curtain of winter approaches. Even at this late stage, the story could still have two endings, either as a tragedy or with the pond’s players living on happily ever . . . → Read More: Pond care from August to Autumn just before Winter

What if the pond temperature suddenly drops in a cold spell in autumn?

The UK weather is a national obsession and its unpredictability has always made it a very popular conversation piece. Indeed, a well known TV weatherman put it just right when he said, ‘The UK doesn’t have a climate, just different days of unpredictable weather’.

This . . . → Read More: What if the pond temperature suddenly drops in a cold spell in autumn?

Winter and autumn koi foods. Do I really have to offer my koi different foods in the winter?

I am a little confused with the number of different types of food that I can buy for my koi. This is especially true during late summer and early spring when my pond temperature is cooling down warming up either side of winter.

I recently . . . → Read More: Winter and autumn koi foods. Do I really have to offer my koi different foods in the winter?

Winter garden pond and cold water temperature swings

As spring approaches I am concerned about what to do if the temperature suddenly rises and then drops again back to near arctic conditions as can happen so easily in this country. How will this sudden rise in temperature affect my Koi? Should I . . . → Read More: Winter garden pond and cold water temperature swings

Kill blanketweed and string algae.