Pond Fish Treatments With so many different treatments available, how do you know which is the best one to use? And then, how do you use it effectively?
When we view a pond full of koi, swimming and thriving in a high quality pond environment, we are in fact witnessing the product and embodiment of thousands of different microscopic processes that will never be seen by our naked eye. Every time a . . . → Read More: Clays buffers in a Koi Pond.
Despite our very best efforts, fish health alerts and emergencies can occur completely by surprise. Problems can arise through no apparent fault of our own or can equally be as a direct result of our action. Either way, if we do not act swiftly . . . → Read More: First Aid for Pond Fish – What to do when things go wrong.
Koi keeping is becoming an increasingly complex hobby, driven by the needs and expectations of ourselves and our koi.
On the one hand, the needs of our koi have never changed, being the same today as they were at the turn of the last century, . . . → Read More: Fish Garden Pond Water Treatments – How they work.
As any responsible, loving parent will testify, it doesn’t matter how well you look out for your children’s welfare, at some time they are likely to experience an unpredictable eventuality or catch the latest bug that is ‘going around’.
These health problems are recognised as . . . → Read More: Goldfish health problems. Treating fish disease.
I found it difficult to follow and understand, could not see at the time why I needed it and having scraped through the exam promptly forgot most of it – ‘O’ Level Physics!
One law I do remember though (and thank you ‘Chopper’ Williams, for . . . → Read More: Koi pond water affected by pond medications
Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, man has been struggling with the problems of an imperfect world such as weeds, death and disease. This is very true for the koi keeper who over the years has been forced to . . . → Read More: Koi treatments pond medications
Ooh, down a bit, down a bit, a little to the right, a little more, just a bit harder, yes that’s just the spot! Why is it that when we’ve got an ‘itch’ we just can’t reach it and no matter how well you . . . → Read More: My koi keep flicking flashing?
Whether plagued with blanketweed or afflicted by disease, there will come a time when a pond will require medication to treat a problem.
Fortunately, the majority of common ailments such as whitespot, fin rot and ulcers can be treated and controlled by adding a recognised . . . → Read More: Overdosed my pond by accident
Ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, man has been struggling with the problems of an imperfect world such as weeds, death and disease. This is very true for the aquarist who over the years has been forced to experiment . . . → Read More: Pond fish koi medications. How do they work?
Every garden pond, even the smallest contains a living ecosystem. We can fall into the trap of regarding the water in a pond as playing an insignificant part in maintaining our fish in tip-top health. This misconception is all the more evident when confronted . . . → Read More: Pond fish koi treatments
Maintaining a healthy and stable pond environment is the single most effective method of ensuring fish stay in top condition. This is best achieved by filtering the pond, introducing fish gradually, feeding wisely and not over stocking. Fishkeeping perfection must be so easy!
Alas, if . . . → Read More: Pond medications. How to use them safely. Kill blanketweed and string algae. |
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