
Buying choosing koi pond fish

Buying koi can be an expensive game. Avoid making costly mistakes.

Buy the best koi for your pond, and your budget.

I am relatively new to koi keeping and only have a few koi at present. I have just finished my second pond, which was built purposely to accommodate more fish.

I want some advice on where to buy my koi. I’ve heard a lot of . . . → Read More: Buy the best koi for your pond, and your budget.

Buying koi from farmers breeders

I want to purchase some more koi for my pond as I haven’t bought any for a while. Normally I would go for Japanese koi but recently I’ve been wondering what the difference is between Japanese, Israeli and English koi?

At the moment I have . . . → Read More: Buying koi from farmers breeders

Buying Pond Fish

Most pondkeepers have experienced some problems or have heard of other people’s experiences when it comes to stocking a pond with fish.

You have designed, purchased and installed a landscaped garden pond. It has been planted for a couple of weeks, the pump and filter . . . → Read More: Buying Pond Fish

Choosing koi pond fish

I’m glad that being tempted isn’t a sin because it happens to me every time I visit an aquatic store, especially one with thousands of pond fish saying ‘take me home’. The feeling is reminiscent of walking through a sweet shop faced with row . . . → Read More: Choosing koi pond fish

How to move and transport koi safely.

House prices continue to rise at an incredible rate and the competition for the next rung on the property ladder is so fierce that many are sold as soon as they are advertised. Consequently, the housing market has never been as buoyant with many . . . → Read More: How to move and transport koi safely.

Koi from different countries

I want to purchase some more koi for my pond as I haven’t bought any for a while. Normally I would go for Japanese koi but recently I’ve been wondering what the difference is between Japanese, Israeli and English koi?

At the moment I have . . . → Read More: Koi from different countries

Koi glossary terms descriptions

One of the many challenges of keeping koi, besides keeping them fit and healthy can be understanding and even pronouncing their Japanese names. Each of the different varieties of koi have their own name, which is used to describe their colouration and pattern. By . . . → Read More: Koi glossary terms descriptions

Koi varieties: Utsuri, Bekko, Koromo and Shusui

In the same way that many hundreds of different varieties of dogs have been bred, each with their own distinguishing characteristics, koi too have become classified into different varieties on account of their colouration and pattern. In both cases, each of the varieties belongs . . . → Read More: Koi varieties: Utsuri, Bekko, Koromo and Shusui

Kill blanketweed and string algae.