
Running in a new fish pond

All new ponds need time to mature (or they will end up killing your new fish). How do you avoid those early, costly mortalities?

Ammonia in a fish pond and aquarium

Controlling Ammonia in a Fish Aquarium

Keep garden pond and aquarium ammonia under control and understand the nitrate cycle for tank health.

Ammonia is sometimes referred to as one of the “invisible assassins” in aquaria (along with nitrite). The only acceptable ammonia level in an aquarium . . . → Read More: Ammonia in a fish pond and aquarium

How to run in a New Pond

When planning a new pond, we are careful to create a water feature that blends in well with our garden, in its size, shape and design. Our pond must also be designed with our fish and plants in mind, making sure that the finished . . . → Read More: How to run in a New Pond

New pond fish die

Quite a common problem experienced by fish keeper is losing fish after they have recently been
introduced to the aquarium.

There are 2 likely causes:

1. If the aquarium is a new set-up, then fish are lost through a phenomenon known as ‘New Tank Syndrome’
– but is . . . → Read More: New pond fish die

New Pond Problems in a small pond.

Dear Ben,

I have got a little pond, only 5ft x 4ft, and 18in deep, I have six little koi (5in long) and eight little orfe (2in long maximum). My pond has a filter pump going through a UV clarifier and into a box filter, . . . → Read More: New Pond Problems in a small pond.

Nitrite and ammonia pond problems – New Filter Syndrome.

I wrote to you last month with a query relating to murky water in my newly constructed pond. In your reply, you asked me to test for ammonia and nitrite as you suspected my water quality might be having an impact on the health . . . → Read More: Nitrite and ammonia pond problems – New Filter Syndrome.

Stocking a new pond with fish. Golden Rules

Most pondkeepers have experienced some problems or have heard of other people’s experiences when it comes to stocking a pond with fish.

You have designed, purchased and installed a landscaped garden pond. It has been planted for a couple of weeks, the pump and filter . . . → Read More: Stocking a new pond with fish. Golden Rules

Kill blanketweed and string algae.