
Biological Pond Filtration

How it works. Biological Filtration

Our ponds are home to far more living organisms than the fish we have stocked and see swimming around ever day. A pond is quite literally alive with micro organisms that have colonised to exploit the food and favourable conditions . . . → Read More: Biological Pond Filtration

Controlling blanket weed in garden ponds

Blanketweed or string algae is a big concern for many pond keepers. Green water is another unsightly algae problem, making a pond resemble pea soup. Blanketweed is another type of algae that forms an unsightly and smothering ‘blanket’ across the pond surface and throughout . . . → Read More: Controlling blanket weed in garden ponds

Good Pond Filtration Bacteria

The role of beneficial bacteria in maintaining a healthy pond.

Bacteria fulfil so many vital roles in shaping life on earth that we are still discovering new ways in which they affect the world we live in.

They are so adaptable that they are found in . . . → Read More: Good Pond Filtration Bacteria

Kill blanketweed and string algae.