Everything in . . . → Read More: Autumn Pond Maintenance
Building a garden backyard pond step-by-step Series on how to create a pond
When building a pond, we generally have a good idea as to how we want it to look when completed. Our pond size will determine how many fish can be stocked and the pond’s shape and design will be a guide as to how . . . → Read More: Building a Bog Garden
Conservation / Wildlife Pond
A wildlife pond is best suited to an area of garden set aside as a conservation or ‘back-to-nature’ area. It may be a part of the garden where you choose not to mow the grass, but let it shoot up to . . . → Read More: Building a conservation pond
The objectives of designing a koi pond
A koi pond is designed and built with displaying the koi in a clear and healthy environment being the main objective. Everything is planned with the koi in mind. As koi are unlike any other pond fish, the design . . . → Read More: Building a Garden Pond for Koi
Whether it is an inbuilt desire to return to the comfort of our pre-born amniotic beginnings, or connected to the fact that our bodies are predominantly made up of water, the evidence is clear- we are irresistibly drawn to water. Holidays by the sea, weekends . . . → Read More: Building a Garden Pond from Scratch
If you’re considering building a pond that features a fountain or waterfall, or are looking to install a UVc and filter, then you’ll need a pump. A pond pump has a demanding role, pumping continuously through a 12 month rolling contract in extremes of temperature, . . . → Read More: Choosing Pond Pumps
Any aquarist who is fortunate enough to be able to keep fish inside in an aquarium and outside in a pond soon starts to see the many parallels between keeping fish in both environments. The fish are fed an artificial diet, the water is . . . → Read More: DIY Pond building
Pond fish such as koi, gold fish and shubunkins are all related to the carp which is naturally a grazing fish, constantly feeding as it picks its way through the silt and debris in a pond. They do not have a stomach, and do . . . → Read More: Feeding koi pond fish
More golden than a goldfish and at times too swift for the eye to follow, the orfe is a very popular and undemanding pondfish.
The orfe (or ide) is quite a distant relative of the carp and is more accustomed to the dynamic life of . . . → Read More: Golden Orfe (Ide) Leuciscus idus
Your garden is the blank canvas onto which you will plan your new pond. Every garden is unique, with opportunities and constraints as to where you can site a pond.
A pond should be planned primarily where it will be viewed and enjoyed the most, . . . → Read More: How to build a garden pond
The goldfish can be regarded as the standard bearer of all ornamental fish. Initially kept and prized by the wealthy rulers of China over 1500 years ago, their legacy for us today is the world’s most widely kept pet, probably the first ornamental pet . . . → Read More: Keeping Goldfish in a pond
Koi or nishikigoi (Japanese for coloured carp) originate from the paddy fields of Asia and Japan. Like most ornamental pond fish, koi were discovered quite by accident as coloured genetic mutations (accidents of nature) from native black carp which the farmers had introduced from . . . → Read More: Koi – Nishikigoi – Cyprinus carpio.
Keeping fish is not like keeping any other pet, such as a cat, dog, rabbit or guinea pig If four-legged pets take a disliking to their surroundings or become stressed in their environment in which their owner wishes to keep them, they can retreat . . . → Read More: Managing Pond Water Quality
Pond Filtration:
All living animals produce waste which is toxic and must be excreted. If such waste is allowed to build up once excreted, then it is likely that health problems will follow. This is true for pond fish just as it is for slums . . . → Read More: Pond filters biofiltration.
We eat on average, 3 times a day, and according to a survey on lifestyle, we can expect to spend a total of 5 years of our life eating. Quite a full time occupation!
Pond fish are quite different, and compared with our gastronomic timetable, . . . → Read More: Pond Fish Food. Health, Growth & Colour
Lighting can be used to convey different moods to a pond and the surrounding garden. Subtle down lighting to create a glow from behind rock work or an evergreen shrub to cast its haunting silhouette can add a placid mood while brighter and more . . . → Read More: Pond lighting advice ideas
In a planted pond, the aquatic vegetation will play a number of roles.
1. Functional. The pond water will have a tendency to turn green or be invaded by blanketweed and just as in a garden border, desirable plants should be chosen to compete against . . . → Read More: Pond Plants Planting a garden pond
Springtime is the launch pad for life in the garden. All life in the garden has spent the preceding cold winter months in slumber, resting and recuperating ready to burst into life in spring. The water garden too has been experiencing a period of . . . → Read More: Spring Pond Maintenance
The Sterlet – Acipenser ruthenus
The Sterlet can be described as a prehistoric fish which dates back to the dinosaurs. Its ancient ancestry is also quite clear when looking at its body form, looking completely alien in a pond when compared to other traditional pond . . . → Read More: Sterlets Tench – Bottom Feeding Pond Fish
This is what we’ve all been waiting for. Preparing the garden pond through any winter worries, ensuring that the fish have come through their ‘rest period’ free from any health problems. Spring has seen the aquatic plants re-potted or trimmed if necessary and the . . . → Read More: Summer Pond Maintenance
What is good water quality?
Good water quality is a measure of how suitable water is for keeping fish healthy. There are a number of simple tests that can be carried out on pond water to determine whether it is suitable. The first thing to . . . → Read More: Testing Pond Water Quality
To a certain degree, a laissez-faire approach with our pond may be justifiable in the winter, as there is little that fish require from us over this fallow period. However, there are a few simple measures we can take to ensure that, even after . . . → Read More: Winter Pond Maintenance
Kill blanketweed and string algae. |
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