
Pond Heaters

If you want to heat your pond over winter, what are your options?

Choosing the right pond heater

Compared to other pond hardware such as must-have items such as a pump and filter, a pond heater is an optional purchase (depending on your budget and your approach to koi keeping).

Why consider buying a pond heater?

Better for your Koi? Our cold-blooded Koi have . . . → Read More: Choosing the right pond heater

Heating a pond in winter

What’s best for your koi in winter? Do I heat my pond or not?

We mustn’t forget that koi are a warm water fish and are tolerant of a wide range of temperatures – making them an ideal pond fish. Don’t presume that koi cannot . . . → Read More: Heating a pond in winter

Heating a pond over winter. Top advice

There are two opinions with respect to heating koi ponds. Many koi keepers believe that koi should be given a typical winter period, while others believe that heating a pond is essential to maintain koi in the best of health throughout the year.

But won’t . . . → Read More: Heating a pond over winter. Top advice

Koi pond heaters. How they work.

Despite the apparent efforts of global-warming nibbling away at either end of our winter, our ponds continue to experience several months of near-zero and freezing temperatures in winter. Our cold-blooded koi have no choice but to become inactive, well before our ponds freeze over, stopping . . . → Read More: Koi pond heaters. How they work.

Koi pond insulation to prevent ice and freezing in winter

Which are the best materials to use for covering a Koi pond, and which ones aren’t? How much gap should I leave above the water surface? And how long should I cover my pond for?

Dear James,

Covering your pond overwinter can prove to be a very . . . → Read More: Koi pond insulation to prevent ice and freezing in winter

Kill blanketweed and string algae.