Are plants and Koi a good mix? In what ways can they co-exist in a Koi pond? What are the advantages of having plants in a Koi pond? Which are the most suitable varieties?
Are plants and koi a good mix?
As often seems to be the case . . . → Read More: Are koi compatible with plants in the same pond?
Growing aquarium plants offers many challenges and benefits to the aquarist and fish.
By following a few guidelines, what used to be a matter for the ‘professional’ aquarist
is now within reach of every fishkeeper.A successful planted aquarium requires a
slightly different approach from traditional fishkeeping. In a planted . . . → Read More: Growing aquarium plants
In a planted pond, the aquatic vegetation will play a number of roles.
1. Functional. The pond water will have a tendency to turn green or be invaded by blanketweed and just as in a garden border, desirable plants should be chosen to compete against these unwanted . . . → Read More: Pond Plants Planting a garden pond
Virtually every environment on earth relies on plant life to produce the first food that fuels all the other living organisms in the ecosystem. That is certainly the case in a ‘natural’ mud pond, but not so in an artificially filtered koi pond that is plant-free . . . → Read More: The role of pond plants in maintaining a stable fish pond environment.