I’ve been fortunate enough to earn a living from the ornamental fish hobby since I was first attracted to the world of ornamental fish in my early teens. I’ve experienced aquatic retail, lecturing and training, manufacturing and wholesale – but perhaps the most memorable period so . . . → Read More: 01. Koi farming guide. Why Farm koi?
I have farmed koi on a hi-tech farm that was already up and running, and have designed and built an ornamental carp farm from scratch. In either situation, it is easy to underestimate the real costs involved in setting up (and in the first case improving . . . → Read More: 02. What you need to farm koi
By now you will have spent many thousands of pounds on constructing and developing your new koi farm and hatchery, and already the clock is ticking on the time by which you need to see a return on your investment. As we will see, although you . . . → Read More: 03. How to farm koi
You will have been planning and working towards this day all year and from experience, depending on how it goes, can prove to be one of the most infuriating and rewarding times of the koi farming calendar. This is when you can see whether your preparations . . . → Read More: 04. Spawning koi – Hatching eggs to fry.
Last month we had successfully spawned our koi and hatched out their eggs to produce a hatchery full of fry. These have now been stocked out into our live-food-rich mud ponds. It’s June and we’ve got to get our koi fry as large as possible by . . . → Read More: 05. Growing koi fry, harvesting and selling koi.
Goldfish were ‘discovered’ by mistake, when their brown ancestors were bred for food thousands of years ago in China. Now they are bred commercially across many continents to feed our eyes and our insatiable demand for glowing pond dwellers.
Related to the carp, the goldfish spawns like . . . → Read More: Breeding goldfish in a pond
I have been a koi keeper for five years now and I haven’t bought any koi for the last three years. My pond is approximately 3,000 gallons and has nine koi. They are all between three and four years old and range from 20cm to 45cm . . . → Read More: Breeding koi in a pond
Goldfish fighting in a pond can be a real concern. Don’t worry – they are not. Goldfish do not have an angry bone in their body. Your goldfish are not fighting – they are breeding and spawning in your pond – Quite the opposite! . . . → Read More: Goldfish fighting in my pond?
Goldfish were ‘discovered’ by mistake, when their brown ancestors were bred for food thousands of years ago in China. Now they are bred commercially across many continents to feed our eyes and our insatiable demand for glowing pond dwellers.
Related to the carp, the goldfish spawns like . . . → Read More: How To Breed Goldfish
Perhaps after keeping and growing koi successfully, the next challenge is to breed them. Fishkeepers of all disciplines are generally regarded as having achieved a higher level of fishkeeping once they have successfully bred and reared a species, having researched and planned carefully how to do . . . → Read More: How to breed koi. A comprehensive guide
If you are a keen gardener like me, you love to try new ideas that will add further interest to your garden, encouraging transient wildlife to stay a while or even take up residence. Trees can be planted, bird boxes and feeders erected all in the . . . → Read More: How to raise home-bred koi
In our current times of political correctness and equal opportunities, gender should no longer be considered an issue. The view held by society is changing, accepting that the sex of an individual is less of an issue when considering roles in secular work.
Perhaps a little paradoxically, . . . → Read More: How to sex Koi. Male or female?
Every single koi that is produced in Niigata, Japan, is the culmination of generations of talent and expertise dedicated to the production of the world’s most beautiful koi. In fact, it is fair to say that even with everything else that Niigata has to offer koi . . . → Read More: koi farmers of niigata
Some of the world’s greatest discoveries were discovered quite by accident. Penicillin, X-Rays, Teflon and even Post-It Notes were discovered by people who were preoccupied by unrelated areas of work. They have all since been developed and made available to rest of the world.
Looking back at . . . → Read More: Niigata the birthplace of koi.
Just as China is renowned for its tea, Italy for its pasta and France for its wine, then Japan has a reputation for producing the most impressive Koi.
Cultures that have been the first to pioneer a specialised form of are usually in the best position to . . . → Read More: Where do koi come from?